Where Do Most Renovations Go Wrong?

Did you know that the building industry is the most important industry in Australia, It accounts for 14% of the GDP. Employs over 800,000 people which is mainly supported by small to medium size enterprizes. This is why I feel the need to write the following…. I recently had someone come to me in a huge panic, […]

Can I save money buying my own materials?

 Did you know that the average house has more than: 8000 bricks, 1000 meters of electrical cabling, 12,000 nails? The average Australian home is 231m2. This has dropped recently from 250m2 in 2015/16 when Australia had the biggest houses on average in the world. So, it’s safe to say we enjoy large homes and there […]

Are You Thinking Of Building?

What is your relationship with your builder? A builder/customer relationship has the same principles of building a new home. It must have strong foundations. if the relationship gets off to a shaky start, there is a fair chance you can expect recurring problems along the way. This is why it is so important to pick up any red […]

Security System, Yes or No?

Do you need a Security System? Most commonly, the time we install a security system is after we have been burgled. That’s when we decide we need some sort of alarm or something to discourage thieves.   I started asking myself, why?  Why do we do this after we have been robbed? It makes sense to install even […]

What is The M2 Rate For A Renovation?

A question we get asked a lot is ‘”Can you give me a square meter rate for my renovation?” Absolutely we can, however we need a lot more critical information first by doing a site consultation. Be very wary of anyone who gives you an amount over the phone, especially without seeing your project as […]

How Do I Stay Under Budget For My Renovation?

Did you know that almost half of all renovation projects go over budget? Yes, that’s right, almost 50%!  There are a lot of moving parts and hundreds of factors to consider when you are on the path to renovating. Sometimes the path seems pretty straight forward, a nice walk on Newcastle’s beautiful Memorial Walking Path, […]